Ground Engineering Sector
We provide extensive set of equipment and resources for various geological solutions, having to work in challenging conditions with existing pipelines and busy transport hubs. Our businesses include Road Construction Company Binders, Limbažu Ceļinieks iand others, which are partly of wholly owned by the holding.

Binders - Asphalt production and road construction
Road Construction Company Binders was founded in 1993.
The company is one of the industry leaders in Latvia that is able to
carry out large-scale infrastructure and engineering systems construction and reconstruction projects in compliance with the highest quality and professional standards.
The scope of activities of Binders include construction and reconstruction of roads, streets, squares; asphalt-concrete production; road construction material testing; geodesy; construction of railway, airfield and tram track infrastructure; construction of external water and sewerage networks,

A7 - Modern concrete solutions
A7 Betons is one of our newest additions to our portfolio. From day one A7 has proved to be one of the most advanced and tech savvy
asphalt and concrete business in Latvia.
Key points for A7 Betons are – precision, volume and reach, that allow A7 Betons to accomplish work for most demanding construction projects.